AC Dimming and AC Motor Speed Control How To with Arduino/NodeMCU

Controlling an AC fan with AC dimmer module and NodeMCU
Jun 05, 2021 — 2 mins read — Arduino

AC Dimming and AC Motor Speed Control How To with Arduino/NodeMCU

On my quest to building an Arduino controlled pellet burner, I needed a way that I can control the speed of an AC fan so I played around with some triac modules from AliExpress.

The module consists of a triac, zero-crossing detection circuit, and full isolated driving of the triac through the Arduino.

The video below contains all of the details on how the control signal is generated but you can also read more about it in the Instructable article for the project.

Tools and materials used in the video:

Alternative links on Banggood:

arduino dimmer experiment project esp8266 nodemcu
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